Dr. Babita Singh
(director- kaivalyam: the yoga Academy) I am always being asked that "why I associate myself so firmly with yoga and devote lots of my time for it, especially when I already have a very busy schedule with my family, social activities and job?" Let me try to answer this first. 9 years ago, I was overweight with severe asthmatic problem. To get rid of both these problems, I joined a 45 days 'Yoga Camp for Obesity' conducted by YogaLife in my city. I lost some weight and felt much better in my energy level after that. Therefore my husband and I continued going there and practice yoga. Very soon I maintained my weight and got rid of asthmatic problem too. This was supposed to be the happy ending of a short and sweet story.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]But this was not ‘THE END’ of the story, rather ‘THE BEGINNING’ of a new LONG story…emergence of entirely a new life 'WITH YOGA' all around. I was very dedicated and regular with my Yoga practice when my Yoga Guru asked me to participate in a series of International Yoga Seminars with an important portfolio related to Workshops and Technical Sessions. During these events, I came in close contact with many Yoga Gurus of National and International repute, learned a lot and got inspired. Meanwhile, I happen to take a plunge in the deep ocean of 'Yoga Physiology’ and ‘Yoga Philosophy’ during my series of IYTTC’s under the able guidance of International Yoga Guru Pundit Radheshyam Mishra Ji (150, 200-thrice, 200-Kids Yoga, 300 and 500 Hours), PGDY and M.Sc.–Yoga etc. which has made me first a Yoga teacher and then a Master trainer in UYLS. This has completely transformed my life style, my viewpoint towards life and thus became a turning point for the rest of my life. The entire credit goes to my Yoga guru Revered Pundit Radheshyam Mishra Ji, Founder Director of Ujjain Yoga Life Society, who has brought me on the sacred path of yoga; opened the door to a new meaningful, peaceful and blissful yogic life; taught me the art of introspection and self-realization; has given new dimensions to my personality; introduced me with latest cyber technologies; inspired me to work tirelessly, consistently and perseveringly to chase my dreams...and above all continuously directing me to a spiritual life with selfless service to the society through Yoga. No words can ever express my gratitude and reverence for him. In due course of time, with the blessings of Lord Almighty and under the supreme direction of my Guru, I opened ‘Kaivalyam: The Yoga Academy (RYS-200)’ and started serving society through regular Yoga sessions and Yoga Teacher Training Courses. Now me, my loving husband Professor Anurag Titov who always support me in all my decisions and my both engineer daughters - all are Yoga Teachers trained by Pundit Ji, helping people to get holistic health through yoga and living a blessed and blissful spiritual yogic life. We couldn’t find a better way to repay our Revered Guru Pundit Radheyshyam Mishra Ji for all his teachings and guidance than continue working for his mission to spread authentic Classical Ashtang Yoga in society…And this is what we all are doing. Namaste - Hari OmDeepti Gami
(Director-yoga Amrutam Indore) It must have been year 2012 when I was suffering from multiple health problems. My major problem was hernia in my esophagus (food pipe) along with few other minor health problems. At that time, I was over weight too. Because of esophageal hernia, I was not able to eat most of the things, had lot of pain and weakness. In fact my whole life was miserable. I had lost all hopes to get back to normal active life and enjoy normal diet ever again in future. Somehow God had been kind enough when I first heard about 'YOGA' and 'Ujjain Yoga Life Society' while speaking to a common friend. This friend told me about International Yoga Guru Pundit Radheshyam Mishra Ji and adviced me to meet him.We went to Pundit Ji for personal consultation. After taking my disorders details, he asked me to forget about any further investigations and medication and asked 'just one week' time to let Yoga do its magic on me. I followed a strict Yoga regime for next eight days as suggested by Pundit Ji and indeed the results were magical. Yoga not only cured my problems but also rejuvenated my entire persona. I was amazed at its stupendous effects and since then Yoga has been my way of living. Yoga comes as a new lifeline to me. I haven't seen a Doctor since that day for any disease or health problems. To understand Yoga more deeply and to heal others with this magical wand, I did my "International Yoga Teachers Training Course" (IYTTC) in August 2013 which introduced me with philosophical and scientific details of Yoga and made me realize it's actual importance in life. For me it was the world's best gift. Many thanks to my Yoga Guru Pundit Radheshyam Mishra Ji for blessing me with this gift. After this course, I lost 10 kg weight also which gives me better personality and in turn more confidence. Now I am completely cured and living a physically, mentally and emotionally healthy life and have developed a positive attitude too. More than that now I am able to help the people of society through Yoga teaching in Indore and feel so good when someone who had been through some physical disease or disorder comes to me and says – "Madam thank you, because of you and Yoga, now I am completely out of that disease/ disorder". Kriti Chouksey (RJ & yoga teacher indore) My name is Kriti Chouksey. Presently I am a Radio Jockey, speaker and a Podcaster and this journey of being RJ started in 2006 but soon it disrupted due to my marriage. After getting married I started my journey again but couldn't continue for long as my health was continously deteriorating especially after the birth of my second daughter. I got severe pain in left side of my abdomen, started feeling week and thus started avoiding social gatherings & meeting people. After all the checkup I got to know that I am suffering from "Umbilical Hernia & Rehumatoid Arthritis". It became difficult for me to follow my daily routine like bathing etc and was not able to even sit for long and remain on bed all the time. I suddenly lost my weight, appetite and interest in life. Although I had two beautiful & lovable daughters, caring husband & in-laws but still due to my illness, once I said to my husband that I can't trouble all of you like this so let me stay in some carehome.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_column_text]I was tired of my life and lost all my hopes but God had a better plan for us and that's what exactly happened. My family got to know about a 15 days 'Yoga Camp' of Yog Guru Dr. Pundit Radheshyam Mishra at Gujrati Samaj School, Indore. First my in-laws went there and they advised me to visit Pundit ji for once. I was really not sure that Yoga can bring me back to myself but still I went and eventually participated in IYTTC in August 2013. Surprisingly that one month Yoga training has changed everything at physical as well as at mental level. Yoga developed a positive attitude in me and as a result I started regaining my physical health too. Since that time I am a Yoga follower. Not even a single day has gone when I don't follow my yogic routine no matter wherever I am in the world. Ujjain Yoga Life Society & Pundit Radheshyam Mishra has changed my view towards life that we have to live today for a better tommorow. Now I'm doing all the things in my life extraordinary and motivating people to be the part of Yoga. Many thanks to my Yoga Guru Pundit Ji as this whole journey of mine from falling apart to rising with in, was made possible only due to him and UYLS.Nina
( Director, Altiyoga, Norway) India & Yoga in my living room With this TTC, I've brought India and Yoga in my living room and Yoga Center. Yoga has been both challenging and fun and I learned a lot. Cannot wait to pass this on! I am most grateful to my Yoga Guru Pundit Ji to make me read the Yoga Sutras, which I tried since 10 years but couldn't. It has been an unforgettable journey with your immense knowledge, expertise, experience, and patience. The yoga way of life has been communicated through everything we have done. I will be forever grateful and hope to get another journey with Pundit Ji as the captain of this 'Yoga ship' again in future soon.Anca Norwwy
Yoga provide tools to live well I wish to thank Pundit Ji for adding years to my life and providing yogic tools to live well and healthy. He is one of the best teachers I have ever met. His knowledge and integrity is amazing. I think that he and I have a special way to communicate. In him, I have found a mentor/guide/friend for a lifetime. NamasteBella
(Director Bella yoga Norway) "Reassurance and more confidence" I am very happy to learn a lot in this 20th IYTTC. Pundit Ji has taught me new asanas. I will start using Sanskrit names of the Asanas when guiding my students, both experienced and the beginners. This course has given me reassurance that what I was teaching earlier is correct. This has given me great confidence and I am excited to go back and teach more. I hope that one day I can travel to India and go through more intense yoga study with Pundit Ji. Namaste,Elin
(Norway) "Yoga introduce me with myself" I want to thank Pundit Ji for wonderful days of 20th IYTTC When started, I was very excited but uncertain. This course has taught me more than I could imagine. I have learned a lot of Yoga Philosophy and about myself. It was scary to face my own weaknesses but very self educational. Now I feel confident and have more faith in myself. Pundit Ji is a great teacher that motivates, inspires and introduced me with my life. I liked Yoga Sutras and learned asanas. I wish to start a yoga center soon. Best regards Elin, Norway

The 11 days yogic session has totally enlighten my life & has opened a new hope in my life. The session was very informative; I will try my level best to improve my overall personality through yoga. I am very much thankful to Pt. Mishra for giving me such an important & rejuvenating experience with this positive gesture. I thank you Pundit Ji for the knowledge given to me about Yoga.

To be able to complete the course under the able guidance of Panditji has been a exemplary experience of training MIND BODY and SOUL to unite and rejuvenate in a holistic manner. The overall experience has been of a state complete bliss. the practical training sessions backed up by tphe theory and experience of the trained faculty quenches my thirst for an ancient wisdom winded up with modern scientific approach...KUDOS !
Individually speaking, taking the bag back to the society has helped me make the life of my family, friends,colleagues and society far better in multiple ways.I pray for the furthering the cause with my full might.

I am the student of 1st IYTTC batch of Ujjain Yoga Life Society. I feel it was a life changing experience under Pundit Ji's devoted guidance, we were born again as stronger and healthier people to serve the society. With completion of this course I had reduced my weight along with curing my spine issues and eating disorders. After certification, I started teaching in Yog Bhavan Ujjain since July 2010 and feel, it keeps me more energetic and refreshing every day.

I started my journey in Yoga on April 1st, 2010 under the kind guidance of my guru, mentor Pundit Mishra. He came as a life changer to me as I completed my TTC and came out as a new person all together. I was a very shy-coy, homely person but this TTC gave a tremendous boost to my confidence along with generating immense belief in myself that today, I practise regular yoga teaching at Yog Bhawan Ujjain, disseminating the same teachings to my students and taking forth my guru's lineage ahead for mankind. I am so thankful to Pundit Ji for being the guiding star to me making me shine forever.

For me YOGA is not just a four letter word. It is a complete life style statement. Though I have been connected with different yoga teaching institutes now and then for last five years, coming in contact with Pt. Radheshyamji Mishra has added a different dimension to my personality.His teachings are not restricted to a 2 hour classroom exercises but a 24 hour schedule, which helped me understand how multiple aspects affect our well being and how to manage them. I have found not just a Mentor but a great friend in Pt. Radheshyamji Mishra.

'Yoga' came in my life as self-confidence, power of expression and above all it gave me a motto for 2nd inning of my life. I am student of 3rd IYTTC batch of UYLS under the kind guidance of Pundit Radheshyam Mishra Sir, I got new vision of life and lived all aspects (like Philosophical, Spiritual,Mental, Physical and social) of Yoga .My training program is still on. Now a days I am teaching in Yoga-Bhavan Ujjain, and sharing my experiences with more and more people everyday, it gives me eternal bliss and satisfaction of serving the society.

With entering in the world of yoga my life has completely changed. I got to know deeper and more meaningful perspective to live life.
IYTTC enlightened many facets of yog bringing about a noteworthy change in my overall personality, adding umpteen positiveness to me, bringing bliss in my life. Following the footsteps of my Guru Pt. Radheshyam Mishra who transformed me to a different and better person serving the society today, by spreading Yoga awareness to one and all I meet.